Tila Consultants


Acquire Your Dream Land With Us

We are helping individuals and organizations acquire the land they need to achieve their goals.

Time-bound Land Acquisition

Generally, it is said that land acquisition under the new land acquisition act will take 3 years to complete. However, our expert consulting firm has developed strategies to minimize this time to just 1 to 1.5 years.

Minimize Litigations

We meticulously examine each land acquisition requirement so that chances of staying on the acquisition could be minimized. We prepare data on ownership (Khasra-Khatauni) before acquisition starts.

Less Harassment for Land Owners

We attend to the grievances of landowners/farmers during the acquisition stage. Thus, the chances of RTI cases are fewer, making people happy with our work.
About Us

We Make Your Vision A Reality

TILA, a Land Acquisition Facilitating Consulting Firm, advises clients on the best strategy for Land Acquisition, Land Pooling, Social Impact Assessment, Rehabilitation & Resettlement Plans, and more.

Our journey began in 2008 with the vision of becoming the best in the industry and helping people acquire their dream land.

We specialize in understanding land dynamics and the several issues that come with the land acquisition process, especially when it comes to large-scale projects.

About Us
Featured Works
Ongoing Projects

Assissting Agra Development Authority in Land assembly activities through direct purchase

Quality Construction! Honest Service! Great Value!

Our team will guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your land acquisition is smooth and successful.
Our Clients
We have successfully completed more than 200 Assignments providing 1,000 Acres of encumbrance-free land to 40+ Clients across the country.
Letter of Awards & Appreciation Letters