Direct Purchase of Land
What is Direct Purchase of Land?
Direct purchase of land is a policy that is gaining popularity among authorities who need to acquire land for development projects. It involves the direct purchase of land from the landowners by the authority, without going through the usual process of acquiring land. This policy has been put in place to speed up the acquisition of land and to ensure that landowners are compensated fairly.

How we assist authorities in acquiring land through direct purchase?

Group discussions in villages with all stakeholders
One of the first steps in assisting the authority in acquiring land through direct purchase is to hold focused group discussions in the villages where the land is located.

Preparation of inventory of undisputed land
Once the stakeholders have been educated about the policy, the next step is to prepare an inventory of undisputed land parcels that are ready for direct purchase.

Assist the authority in the format prescribed for details
The authority will have a format that they require for the details of the land parcels that they intend to acquire. As an assistant, it is important to ensure that all the details are filled in correctly and in the required format.

Assisting authority in getting consent
Before the authority can acquire the land through direct purchase, they will need to obtain consent from the landowners. As an assistant, it is important to assist the authority in getting this consent.

Prior mapping of stakeholders (mainly land owners)
It is important to map the stakeholders, mainly the landowners, before initiating the direct purchase of land. This will help to identify any potential issues that may arise during the acquisition process.

Initiation amongst targeted section
This involves meeting with community leaders and explaining the policy to them, and encouraging them to spread the word amongst their communities.