Tila Consultants


New & Media

Press Release
Tila Consultants-Monarch Surveyors consortium wins SIA contract for Varanasi-Howrah HSR Project
Team TILA established Kisan Suvidha Kendar in Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) for Direct purchase of land from land owners
TCCPL Enumerators on field along with Authority’s Official for collecting application for Direct Purchase of Land in Greater Noida
L.A. Experts of TCCPL verifying land documents for Direct Purchase of Land in Greater Noida

On-ground field verification for identifying land disputes like encroachment and litigation

On-ground field verification for identifying land disputes like encroachment and litigation

Ground verification for DGPS Surveys

Team conducting census and socio-economic survey for Social Impact Assessment for Mumbai-Nagpur High Speed Rail

Site visit by International IFC team along with Team TILA  for project RAP-LEP for Six laning of Ghaziabad Aligarh Expressway. 

Visit to assess the Relocation site by Team TILA and IFC team 

Public Consultation for Implementation of RAP-LEP by Team TILA

Focused Group discussion with Women for Implementation of RAP-LEP by Team TILA